Friday, May 15, 2015

Negative #2 Part One: Parking Tickets

What seems to be the biggest issue students have with Security is their doling out of parking tickets here on campus. I decided to split this into two separate blogs just because I can honestly write two blogs of 300 words each on the subject. Therefore, I will.

I recently surveyed 100 students here on campus and asked their opinions on whether they thought Wartburg Security does a "good job," and whether they feel safe on campus. Seventy-five percent of students thought they felt Wartburg Security was doing a good job. Ninety-two percent said they feel safe here on campus.

The third question I asked was whether or not they would change anything to Security as it is. About a third of the students referenced parking tickets. One third. If parking tickets are the first thing that pop into students' minds when asked about changing something, there's quite obviously a problem. Students complained about the fact that there's basically nowhere to park their cars and they always get ticketed. But here's the thing: we do have a place to park. They're calling parking lots. Get a permit at the start of the year (it's not that hard), and you're good to go and can park in that lot whenever you want for however long you want.

I guess my advice to students is to just not be negligent with your cars. Don't park it on the street because it will get ticketed. Regardless of how long it's there, assume Security is watching you like a hawk and move your car back to the lot when you're done with it. If you go to Wal-mart and get groceries, you can unload your stuff into your room, but move your car back and you won't get ticketed. It's not rocket science people.

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